Herbs Plant Cultivation 10 g

฿99.00 / ซอง

All Bio is the first ever organic plant bio stimulant input in the world that has received organic certifications from multiple international standards including, USDA, EU Organic, JAS, VCERT, and more. All Bio is the best choice for all gardening lovers who enjoy spending time with their hobby planting in the garden. Now you can do so with 100% free concerns from chemical residues that are safe around children, pets, and elders

Code : 8857126016062

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Organic plant nourishment substance ALL Bio, herbal plant nourishment formula (Herbs Plant Cultivation)
Organic “Biostimulants” products, 100% chemical-free, extracted from plants, vegetables, fruits, and Thai herbs. Mulberry for nourishing all types of medicinal plants. that helps promote growth Complete and strong for medicinal plants Safe for users environmentally friendly
1. Promote the growth of all parts of medicinal plants.
2. Helps leaves and other parts be healthy and natural.
3. Helps increase the yield and quality of medicinal plants.
4. Increase nutrient absorption and enhance stress tolerance of medicinal plants

Product characteristics: Powder type to mix with water.
How to use:
Mix 1 gram of All Bio extract in 1 - 1.5 liters of clean water, stir until dissolved, set aside for 15 minutes before spraying on the leaves and stems to moisten every 7-10 days before planting. Suitable for watering with a watering can. or spray with a spray tank **It is recommended that you inject in the evening or early morning**
Can be used with Formula for nourishing and accelerating growth in the ratio of 1 part formula for nourishing herbal plants and 1 part formula for accelerating growth, mixed and sprayed at the same time.

Instructions for use and precautions:
• Do not eat.
• Should be stored in a dry place and not exposed to sunlight.
• Should be kept out of the reach of children.

Net weight: 10 grams Gross weight: 15 grams

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